Join me in exploring the benefits and drawbacks of the digital life and finding ways to live more authentically and tangibly in this virtual age.
31 Days Intro: I saw it all in the matter of a week, a woman walking her Yorkie, a teen with his boxers hanging out as he pedaled his bike through town, a business man racing his Porsche through a roundabout…and every one of them looking down, each enlisting at least one hand and both eyes to rattle out some kind of message on smart phone while the real world blurred around them. Read more….
Day 2 ~ (App)ropriate Measures
Day 4 ~ Literature, Love Letters and a Panoramic View
Day 7 ~ Before, After, and the Motivation in the Middle
Day 8 ~ What I Didn’t Give My Daughter for Her Birthday
Day 14 ~ Out the Nursery Window
Day 17 ~ The Thirst for Community
Day 18 ~ Who Wants to Be the Mom on the iPhone?
Day 19 ~ Touch vs. Touch Screen
Day 20 ~ Google Balloons and the Gospel
Day 23 ~ Auto-Correct and the Human Eye
Day 28 ~ Making Your Offline Minutes Count (Guest Post by Trina Cress)
Day 29 ~ A Teen and a Tech Intervention (Guest Post by Marybeth Hicks)
Day 30 ~ The Chain Reaction of Art in 3-D (Guest Post by Jessica Green)
Postlude: So, I Guess I Needed an iPhone Break
{I’m linking up with Nester for her annual 31 Days blog get together. Don’t want to miss this series? Be sure to subscribe by entering your email in the box on the homepage sidebar.}