Finding Joy in an Era of Gloomy Headlines

Finding Joy in an Era of Gloomy Headlines

Often, epic moments in Scripture are framed by the sentence: “In the days of….” When I see a phrase like that in my reading, I pay close attention. Words like that are giving us the background scenery for the big plot move God is getting ready to make. How would...
Linger Like Bright Light

Linger Like Bright Light

I’m not much for multi-tasking. I’m no good at tweeting (or doing much of anything) in the middle of spoken conversation. When there are preparations to be made and sick little ones to care for and people to catch up with and celebrations to attend, I find...
What the Children Are Saying

What the Children Are Saying

With a weathered spoon, I am chasing bubbles in boiling oatmeal when my three-year-old stampedes down the wooden stairs, shouting out with the tree in his sights. “Shh!” I shake my head, “Your sister’s still sleeping.” It’s a ruckus when he’s in the room. The...
The Grow-Down Gospel

The Grow-Down Gospel

With a weathered spoon, I am chasing bubbles in the boiling oatmeal when my three-year-old stampedes down the wooden stairs, shouting out with the tree in his sights. “Shh!” I shake my head, “Your sister’s still sleeping.” It’s a ruckus when he’s in the room....