Dear Mother, I know you’re tired. There’s a reason for the cliche– it’s true our tasks are never done. But there’s something else you should think of adding to your to-do list. It’s this thing called play, the real work of the child. Can you believe your luck?!! You are invited into it, into whimsy. No need to RSVP…just show up. And if it makes you feel better, you can check it off the list when you’re done. Where else will you ever get the chance to play and call it work?

I have to admit that I’m preaching to myself here. As a firstborn, I was an old soul and many times (though not always) found myself gravitating to the company of my parents and their friends at a party while my siblings and the other kids played in another part of the house.

In this stage of parenthood, my own firstborn and then my second have freed me up to be more playful and silly. I love that it’s part of my job description…and these days I’m reminding myself to work on it, to give play more priority while the invitation is open.

I’m reflecting more on the work of play at The High Calling today in my article, “When the Symphony Goes Wild.” I’d be thrilled to have you jump over and join me there!

Note: Parts of the above were originally shared on the Mother Letters page.

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