by Darcy Wiley | Apr 2, 2021 | Experiencing God, Jesus, Spiritual Formation
This meditation was written to accompany Haydn’s Seven Last Words of Our Savior on the Cross, presented for Holy Week in my local congregation. As you read or listen, I trust you, too, will be struck by Jesus’ tender empathy and fierce devotion even as he was being...
by Darcy Wiley | Jan 30, 2018 | World Changers
From Darcy: By observing and following in the footsteps of passionate believers in previous generations and in other locations, we experience community that exhibits God’s love, and we learn their glorious habit of continually bringing the mind’s eye back to Jesus....
by Darcy Wiley | Oct 19, 2013 | A Less Digital Life, Sweet Tea
The little thing stands at the garage door and there’s nothing she can do to stop this. I’m heading out to pick up dinner and she’s throwing out every parting word she has in her small vocabulary like a lasso to get me back. I’ve already hugged her twice and I’m...
by Darcy Wiley | Oct 11, 2013 | A Less Digital Life, Pocket Change, Sweet Tea
For our tenth wedding anniversary, we meant to go to Venice. You know, the place where water flows through the streets. But when the Lord answered our prayers for a third baby a little while later than we’d planned, we ended up celebrating in southern Indiana with a...
by Darcy Wiley | Feb 15, 2013 | Buttons & Thread, Sweet Tea, Take Heart Series
Asparagus sizzled in the top oven. I pulled lasagna from the other and looked up. The golden girl waltzed through the door with pep in her step. She came bearing hugs and kisses and cards, and beamed as my boy told her she was “thinking really good” when she got him...