by Darcy Wiley | Apr 20, 2020 | Coronavirus Crisis, Prayer, Spiritual Formation
Not too long before the concentric circles of Coronavirus found their way to our part of the world, I read an essay about how the American way of life is killing us. The author said, “In spite of a so-called thriving economy in the land of plenty, a great number...
by Darcy Wiley | Mar 25, 2016 | Jam, Pencils & Pens, Sweet Tea
Last week, several musicians, writers, and artists from my church gathered with our congregation on St. Patrick’s Day to share a contemplative selection of music and meditations in the tradition of Joseph Haydn’s Seven Last Words of Our Savior on the...
by Darcy Wiley | Oct 31, 2014 | Fresh-Cut Flowers
Gray low-hanging clouds block the blue and sunshine. The air is warm, but the violent wind hisses this won’t last long. It rips leaves from high branches and sends them flying. Down a hill and off the path, we swish our feet in fire-colored leaves already on the...