A Playdate with Poe

A Playdate with Poe

Gray low-hanging clouds block the blue and sunshine. The air is warm, but the violent wind hisses this won’t last long. It rips leaves from high branches and sends them flying. Down a hill and off the path, we swish our feet in fire-colored leaves already on the...
The Details

The Details

Welcome to those visiting from The High Calling where I’m writing today about thriving through stress. If you like what you see here at Message in a Mason Jar, I’d love for you to join my {free!} email list to stay up on latest posts and other happenings here. I...
Our Spring Will Come

Our Spring Will Come

Sidewalks are the new riverbed. Water rushes down the slightest incline over cracks that break your mother’s back. Liquid leans over the frozen curb and flows down the path of least resistance. But not you, little boy. You pick the hard way. You bypass smooth terrain...