by Darcy Wiley | Jan 27, 2014 | Pencils & Pens, Sweet Tea
{Sign Up for the Story Circle through (in)couragers Today!} Over the last few weeks, I’ve been reading several works-in-progress, offering little bits of free-time for writing proposals, editing prologues line-by-line, and helping writers dream in the right direction....
by Darcy Wiley | Jan 15, 2014 | Pocket Change, Sweet Tea
{Psst! Registration for (in)RL opens today!} It was like I was peeking through a slat in the fence, watching these would-be friends with boards and nails and hammers in the yard, their words building up a space for women to belong. I read their stories on the...
by Darcy Wiley | Feb 12, 2013 | Fresh-Cut Flowers, Sweet Tea
Welcome to those of you visiting from the (in)couragers community page! After reading below about the heart behind circling up, you’ll find an introduction to The Story Circle, our (in)couragers writing group that runs from now through April. (Update 2/16/13:...
by Darcy Wiley | Jan 15, 2013 | Sweet Tea
I hadn’t payed much attention to what I was wearing yesterday morning. I had rolled out of bed in my pajamas and stayed in them after sending my son off to school. But when I opened my browser to enter my details in little boxes for the second go ‘round of...
by Darcy Wiley | May 1, 2012 | Sweet Tea
In little droplets we give and get. 140 characters or less do their best to articulate the everyday mercy, the wide-eyed wonder, the treasure in the earthen vessel @thismoment. Maybe an is like a thousand words; or maybe it’s more like a cave drawing, a...