by Darcy Wiley | Aug 21, 2018 | Experiencing God
I checked the time, then packed up our picnic groceries and our luggage. Months earlier, we had booked the last hotel room in this tiny town not too far from Hopkinsville, Kentucky. This morning, we’d drive an hour to the path of totality. As I tucked away the last of...
by Darcy Wiley | Aug 13, 2015 | Fireflies
They bring in a boombox like a weapon to send us away. Speakers shout out ugly songs, more obnoxious than loud Hawaiian shirts. A twisted face. A gruff voice. Arms crossed. Cigarette smoke clouds our space. Beer swirls with chlorine. Eyes glaze over like frosted glass...
by Darcy Wiley | May 11, 2015 | Fresh-Cut Flowers
We step out from under the canopy of trees to an open expanse of rock, a solid place to stand and admire the formations over our heads. At the side, creek water rolls over boulders and skitters through, continuing its slow chisel into the earth. I tip my head back,...
by Darcy Wiley | Mar 22, 2014 | Buttons & Thread, Fresh-Cut Flowers, Sweet Tea
Sidewalks are the new riverbed. Water rushes down the slightest incline over cracks that break your mother’s back. Liquid leans over the frozen curb and flows down the path of least resistance. But not you, little boy. You pick the hard way. You bypass smooth terrain...
by Darcy Wiley | Oct 5, 2013 | A Less Digital Life, Fresh-Cut Flowers, Sweet Tea, Uncategorized
This summer, I was ready to swear off all social media. The net just wasn’t working for me. It seemed like every time I’d step into the avenues that were supposed to be connecting people, I’d instead find people putting themselves on pedestals, sacrificing family...